Medium-sized companies in particular face the challenge of attracting and retaining talented employees in order to compete successfully. In this context, two central aspects need to be considered: employee satisfaction and employer branding. These two issues are closely intertwined and influence each other. In this blog article, we will take a closer look at the synergistic relationship between the two and show how mid-sized companies can benefit from this connection.

I. Employee satisfaction as foundation of Employer Branding

  1. Work environment and corporate culture:
    High employee satisfaction comes from a positive work environment and supportive company culture. If your team members find their work fulfilling and enjoyable, they are more likely to become ambassadors for your company and contribute positively to employer branding.
  2. Appreciation and development opportunities:
    Recognizing achievements and providing development opportunities are critical factors in employee satisfaction. When your employees feel that their work is valued and they have the opportunity to develop, their loyalty to the company increases and they become motivated brand ambassadors.
  3. Communication and transparency:
    Open and transparent communication promotes satisfaction and helps create a positive corporate culture. Employees who are well informed and feel that their opinions are heard and taken seriously develop a stronger commitment to the company and actively contribute to your employer branding.

II. Employer Branding as attraction for talents

  1. Image and reputation as an attractive employer:
    Strong employer branding helps to ensure that your company is perceived as an attractive employer. A positive reputation and a good image attract talented applicants who are looking for long-term career prospects. Employee satisfaction plays a crucial role here, as satisfied employees act as credible advocates for the company and appeal to potential applicants.
  2. Employee engagement and motivation:
    Successful employer branding promotes employee engagement and increases motivation. If your employees are proud to work for the company and identify with its values and goals, they are more likely to give their full effort. Employee satisfaction is a key driver of engagement and motivation, which in turn has a positive impact on employer branding.
  3. Employee retention and development:
    Strong employer branding supports employee retention by offering employees long-term prospects and development opportunities.


The close link between employee satisfaction and employer branding in medium-sized companies is crucial. High employee satisfaction lays the foundation for strong employer branding, while an attractive employer brand increases employee satisfaction.
Through measures such as creating a positive work environment, development opportunities and transparent communication, mid-sized companies can establish a synergistic relationship between employee satisfaction and employer branding to ensure long-term success.
So our question to you is: Can you already put a tick behind all our listed points? What measures do you already use to keep employee satisfaction high?
We look forward to hearing about your experiences.

Yvonne Willmer

At Blaupause , my main task is to structure and manage complex projects for industrial clients. From time to time, however, I also write blog articles and social media posts on B2B topics that are close to my heart. Have you already put some of our suggestions into practice? Then I would be happy if you tell me about your results.